Frank Calladine is the British Democrats parliamentary candidate for the Doncaster North constituency. As part of our strategy for future growth and the County Council elections in 2025, Frank (pictured above) has been selected as the candidate to contest this seat on July 4th. He is an experienced Parish Councillor within the constituency having served the local community for the past 19 years.

Frank has supplied our website with a short message for the people of Doncaster North,

“Dear Elector,

It’s an honour and a privilege to be selected by the British Democrats to stand in the constituency of Doncaster North, where I have always lived and worked.

I have served as a Councillor on Sprotbrough and Cusworth Parish Council for 4 years; before that, I was on Adwick Upon Dearne Parish Council for 15 years.

I work for a family-run business in Mexborough. I became interested in politics after a political scandal dubbed ‘Donnygate’ that saw 21 Doncaster councillors convicted of expenses fraud. Then, a few years later, Doncaster Council was put into ‘special measures’ after a damning Audit Commission report.

The politicians at Westminster are now giving our country away and have failed to serve the people. Britain is quickly becoming an overpopulated island, and our heritage, culture, and traditions are now under threat.

Enough is enough! It’s time to send a clear message to the out-of-touch political establishment by voting for the British Democrats.

Yours sincerely,
Frank Calladine”

We urgently need your active support on the streets for this campaign. If you’re ready to join us in this fight, please email us at or telephone us at 01509 447 478.

If you cannot actively help us on the streets, please donate to help us with the campaign costs. Any donations you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Use the link below:

Published and promoted by the agent and candidate Frank Calladine, printed by the British Democrats, all of PO Box 11028, Loughborough, LE12 7Y