Chatteris Town Council’s planning group has validated, albeit ‘with concerns,’ another huge housing development in a beautiful open space south of the Elms.

Cllr Ken Perrin was the only person to object to it—the other councillors in the group allowed it.

The proposed development, situated perilously close to the 93 developments planned and approved for Wenney Road Meadows (pictured above), is a cause for concern. Its entrance is off the main A142 Chatteris to Ely road, a red route notorious for its safety hazards.

If approved, the proposed development would be isolated and fail to foster harmony or integration with the existing community. It would merely introduce another group of people with little or no interest in bonding with the community. This development should never have been considered for construction.

Approximately 1,400 houses are proposed for the future. Currently, Chatteris has 5,300 properties, so these new developments will increase that by 26%.

Cllr Ken Perrin said, “As a town, we can take no more.”

He added, “This is yet another ludicrous development that is unnecessary and not wanted. The town councillors will not listen. They are piece by piece, eroding our Market Town’s way of life, seemingly hell-bent on turning Chatteris into a commuter town—the reason Mayor and Councillor Ann Hay gave for all this building.

Ken believes they don’t listen to the electorate or even consider them. They are following their Downing Street Master’s Diktat of build, build, build. We don’t need all of these developments; we need to cut immigration! The Tories and Independents on the Council refuse to recognise the problem.

Cllr Ken Perrin adds, “I listen to the electorate—they are the ones that count, the ones I serve, and most do not want this. I will back them and campaign against these developments for the people of the town. Our community’s interests are my priority, and I will fight for them.”

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