By Stephen Smith

The old Communism of the 20th century, failed because its promised ‘paradise’ never manifested. Communism apart from ignoring nature also ignored reality. In other words, political and cultural schizophrenia. However, the old variety of Communism was expertly branded and promoted. Ah, the gifts on offer, universal human equality, peace, a worker’s paradise. We all know the end of that story.

Former adherents of the old faith, plus new recruits, reformed (eventually) after the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989.

Unfortunately (for them) the new Communism lacks style, romance and passion. It is a crude, unimaginative attempt to impose on all of us, the Universalist/Absolutist view of Global, Cosmopolitanism and Social Liberalism. Anyone who disagrees with this vision is either basically wicked or of low IQ. There is no debate. Ever.

World of Sales

Whether or not you have done sales work, certain principles apply. A fundamental one is that even if you are going for the ‘hard’ sale, a degree of charm and intelligence is required. As a young man in 1990 doing Telesales, I saw many companies break the ‘charm/intelligence’ principle (or the ‘soft’ sell) and just went in ‘hard’ over the phone. The sales scripts had a quasi-religious flavour to them. Every single word must be uttered. Verbatim. No deviation. Unsurprisingly many telemarketing companies went under. Scotland’s new laws remind me of 1980s Telesales!

There is no offer of paradise. Neither real equality as they appear to be aimed at 96% of the population, probably 96% heterosexual and either one of two genders.  A law must have two essential prerequisites (A). common approval/majority support. (B). feasibility of implementation. These laws have neither. Regarding point B, the legal system will be overwhelmed by genuine reportage, those politically opposed, cranks and inevitably, practical jokers! It will go the way of the 1990 Poll Tax. Mass civil disobedience and treated eventually as an irrelevance.

The Complexity of English

Something devisors of new ‘Hate’ crime laws never take into account is the range and flexibility of the English Language. Unlike France or Germany where there are sometimes, strict rules around their respective languages, English is subtle, innovative (innuendo), reverse meanings. An Establishment politician described as having been ‘politically courageous’ is really thought of by contemporaries as a fool for either being radical or honest! In the world of drama, an actor, whose peers describe them as having given a ‘brave’ performance is being ridiculed by other Thespians.

Generally speaking, and using the skill and fluidity of our language, it will prove difficult to prosecute thousands of individuals for ‘hate’ crime, providing they avoid crass, idiotic and violent language, (*Serious Nationalists please take note). Our language can be sensibly used as an instrument of free speech.

In the more pleasant, hedonistic Britain of 1968, former Labour MP, Brian Walden, was asked about the Race Relations Act passing through Parliament that year. Walden thought the laws were fair. On paper, in a better time, even though Nationalists and the majority of Whites would have opposed them, from a general liberal perspective they could have been considered ‘fair’.

In contrast Scotland’s new legislation has a sinister tone. Phrases bandied about such as White male entitlement, White males 18-30 most likely to commit ‘Hate’ crime (proof??) etc, almost seem to indicate that our young White men are the most likely targets of this preposterous legislation. Please also note, dear reader, an obvious middle-class/cosmopolitan/liberal disdain, contempt (if not actual hatred) for White working-class men.

The contemporary liberal, legal notions of ‘hate’ as a crime will one day, be subject to scorn and laughter by future generations. Unfortunately, at present, we live in the dystopian world of the Globalist Liberal. Semantics is one of their principal weapons.    ‘Hate’,along with ‘division’ and ‘tolerance’ are favourite words. Words are neutral. They only mean what we understand by them. Division can be a good thing. Tolerance can be a bad thing.

Small Countries, Big Courage

Interesting, that the local branches of Globalism in Scotland and Ireland are attempting to impose laws to consolidate their new Communism. These two nations (Gaelic Celtic) both possess historical records of fanatical courage and resistance.

A test perhaps to gauge reactions? Maybe Globalism, now considers that all of its objectives will soon be fulfilled. Confident or overconfident? Issuing Draconian legislation and testing its final application on two small nations. Is that the raison d’etre?

However, I suspect parallel tactics at work. The use of Scotland and Ireland as political guinea pigs to test popular fears and feelings and ultimately to avoid potential political revolt. Our masters are definitely not gods. They are human. They will make errors. We are now witnessing the last spasms of a world system (though mainly Western) of Global, Cosmopolitan Liberalism that has held sway since 1945 (possibly 1918). This empire of deceit, malevolence and tyranny is starting to crumble. As we fully move beyond the first quarter of the 21st century, new forces are emerging. Nationalism based on nature, instinct and common sense.

And the Peaceful, Legal, Nationalism of the British Democrats will emerge triumphant in these North Sea islands. Great Britain will survive, and our descendants will reap the triumph and benefits of a revived, new nation.

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