By Stephen Smith

Chatteris, Cambridgeshire.

Thursday 14th March 2024, the British Democrats, achieved a small but highly significant election victory.

We won a seat on Chatteris (Cambs) Town Council, pushed the Labour Party into second place and we acquired 47.52% of the vote.

This success was built around superior canvassing techniques and of course the excellent local candidate, Ken Perrin.

The Chatteris election was a clear indicator that British Nationalists are, again, capable of winning elections. The former French Front National (now National Rally) began to make serious progress after polling 16.72% in Dreux in 1983. That is how these things start. The rest is history…

‘Peaceful, Legal, Political’

The British Democrats do not engage in futile and irritating street protests or copy foreign political models. We operate a straightforward approach to the British people with concrete policies to solve, serious, contemporary political issues,


We are a professional, political organisation, with the aim to obtain political power (at various levels) in order to implement our policies.

A street demonstration against the state or political impersonations of the 1930s are impotent gestures! Such nonsense will not see our political programme succeeding.

Election victories reinforced by ‘Nationalist based Community Politics’ will be the guarantors of patriotic triumph. We are laying political foundations that will endure. Or to quote the Irish National Party: ‘We Are Inevitable’.

The Fiction of Nationalist ‘Unity’

A commercial company, a business, an organisation that grows and prospers, a winner in all its undertakings, will scrutinise in fine detail anyone who wanted to be employed by them. Bad C.V., they do not get in!

Which is why it is depressing, during a low point for Nationalism to hear the desperate and pathetic cries for ‘Unity’. However, the ‘Unity’ would not last long. The individual misfits, those who relish splits/factionalism and those with dangerous and/or subversive agendas are a heterogenous collection of political elements. Such a grotesque mixture would implode within months…..and we would have to start all over again, picking up the pieces while the clock of history remorselessly ticks against us!

Which is why I am opposed to Nationalist ‘Unity’. The only thing that counts is the successful and developing Nationalist party which is predominant. If an individual wants to leave their current political home and agrees to our approach and core political principles, they are welcome.

‘Unity’ with agitprop groups who cannot or will not fight elections is the downward path. Their methods have no outcome; they have no plan.

Our general strategy is not merely contesting elections. They are an important part of our work, but they work in tandem with Nationalist community-based politics (roots) – helping our distressed people in whatever way possible and building the party’s infrastructure in all necessary fields. It is a coherent plan.

 And we will triumph with it.

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