By Michael Jones

True to his word, the newly-elected councillor in Chatteris, Cambridgeshire, Ken Perrin, is fulfilling the promises he made to the electorate during his successful election campaign.

Ten days ago, Ken won the by-election for Chatteris Town Council with an impressive 47% of the vote, surpassing the Labour Party, which came in second. This victory has generated significant publicity for the British Democrats. It was the first time a nationalist party in Britain has defeated one of the main parties to win a council seat since 2019!

British Democrat candidates keep their election pledges, unlike the Lib-Lab-Con parties.

Ken received feedback from residents during the by-election campaign about cars speeding on Station Street at the edge of his Slade Lode South ward. One of Ken’s promises was to establish a ‘Speedwatch’ initiative to address the issue and enhance the safety of local residents.

Councillor Ken Perrin

This is an excellent example of how the British Democrat councillors and activists are dedicated to serving our constituents, fulfilling our promises, and addressing the everyday issues that councillors are elected to handle. A key component of our strategy is engaging in community-based politics, and it’s proving to be effective!

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