The British Democrats Annual General Meeting for members was held on Saturday 18th November at a hall in a picturesque part of Essex.

This year’s AGM was a huge success with an upbeat ambience. Attendance was up, the venue was bigger and better than last year, and the amount of money raised also increased. Members travelled from various regions the length and breadth of the country.

Chairing the first half of the meeting was the popular Chairman Dr Jim Lewthwaite. Jim started proceedings by giving the audience a rundown of the day’s agenda.

Then there were constitutional amendments and add-ons to be discussed. The first amendment, proposed by Party Secretary Michael Jones, was passed.

British Democrats Secretary Michael Jones

The second amendment was a constitutional add-on, proposed by Elections Officer, Councillor Lawrence Rustem, which was also passed after a group discussion with members.

British Democrats National Elections Officer, Councillor Lawrence Rustem

Then the speeches got off to a flying start with an excellent speech by Matt Godden.

Matt Godden

The next speaker was just as impressive. Stephen Smith, a long-standing and experienced British Nationalist, delivered an outstanding speech.

NEC member Stephen Smith

Treasurer Chris Canham then gave an update on income and expenditure and the current financial balance for the year. It was encouraging to hear Chris announce income from membership subscriptions and donations for 2023 is up approximately 20% from 2022.

British Democrats Treasurer Chris Canham

Next on the agenda was an update from a former member of the European Parliament, Andrew Brons, who carried out some internal constitutional business.

Former Member of the European Parliament Andrew Brons

We then had a break where members enjoyed tea, coffee and a splendid buffet.

The second half was chaired by Nationalist stalwart, Stephen Smith.

After the break, it was great to have National Rally (Rassemblement National) UK representative, Max, as a guest speaker. The National Rally are a large and powerful Patriotic Nationalist party with 89 elected members holding seats on the French National Assembly. They also have 3 seats in the French Senate, 252 Regional Councillors, 26 Departmental Councillors, and 19 seats in the European Parliament. The National Rally’s Parliamentary Party Leader, Marine Le Pen, received a massive 13.3 Million votes at the second round of the French presidential election in 2022, gaining over 41% of the vote!

National Rally (Rassemblement National) UK representative, Max

Councillor Lawrence Rustem then delivered a passionate talk on why he joined the British Democrats!

Former mathematics lecturer Adrian Rommily was next to speak.

NEC member Adrian Rommily

The final speech came from party Chairman Dr Jim Lewthwaite. As many visitors to our website will know, Jim is an excellent orator, and as usual, he gave an excellent keynote speech.

British Democrats Chairman Dr Jim Lewthwaite

Any other business in the form of a discussion went on for some time. The main topic was the General Election 2024! Various members spoke up about this and a lengthy discussion was had. More information on this will be published on our website in due course.

Councillor Christopher Bateman spoke about the forthcoming General Election

As the meeting came to a close, members took bundles of leaflets to distribute in their local communities. We then moved to a local hotel for a pleasurable evening social where we enjoyed food and drinks and, of course, lively discussion. It’s always a delight to be with like-minded patriots, friends and colleagues.

Everyone left feeling optimistic about the future, with some going straight back onto the streets, campaigning the following morning.

Councillor Lawrence Rustem interviews Roberta Woods

We want to thank all attendees for making our AGM 2023 a tremendous day. A special thank you must go to Nicola for preparing the buffet, tea and coffee; and to Penny for organising the raffle and collection. We would also like to give special thanks to Lawrence for conducting interviews, and to Chris, Alan and Lawrence for transporting members back and forth from different meeting points.

We are also very grateful not only to Michael for being the main organiser for this event but also to Peter and Ken from East Anglia for their work setting up the new lighting. Other members also helped out and we appreciated their assistance. The successful meeting was a real team effort from a united and dedicated group of Patriots!

Videos of the speeches and interviews will be posted on our website during the coming week.

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